Plan D Medicare Supplement Coverage
What is Medicare Supplement Plan D?
First of all, it is important to note that Medicare Supplement Plan D, also known as Medicare Plan D, is a health insurance policy sold by private insurance carriers to bridge the gap in Medicare coverage and is not synonymous with Medicare Part D (which is a government-issued Medicare policy for prescription drug coverage). Medicare Supplement Plan D 2021 is one of 10 standardized Medigap plans, designed to help beneficiaries cover the out-of-pocket expenses Original Medicare leaves uncovered. These expenses are copays, coinsurance, and deductibles.
Medicare Supplement Plan D Eligibility
Before getting into Medicare Supplement Plan D benefits, the general eligibility requirements for Medigap Plan D are as follows:
– You are at least 65 years of age and are a U.S. citizen or a legal resident for at least five consecutive years
– You are currently receiving retirement benefits
– You are disabled and therefore receiving disability benefits
– You have End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
– You have Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS)
Medicare Supplement Plan D Coverage
Medicare Supplement Plan D Coverage options can help policyholders save money on certain costs. The Medicare Supplement Plan D copay benefit is on Original Medicare (Part A & Part B) coinsurance/copayments. The monthly premium is paid every month to cover 100% of Medicare Part B coinsurance.
Plan D covers:
– Hospital coinsurance and hospital costs for Medicare Part A, up to 365 days after Original Medicare benefits are used up
– Hospice care coinsurance or copayments for Medicare Part A
– Coinsurance for skilled nursing facility care
– The first three (3) pints of blood
– Deductible for Medicare Part A
– Deductible for Medicare Part B
– Coverage for foreign travel emergency – 80% of approved costs up to the coverage limit
On the other hand, Plan D does not cover:
– Medicare Part B deductible
– Part B excess charges
How much does Medicare Supplement Plan D cost?
Medicare Supplement Plan D rates vary from one insurance carrier to another. However, these plans offer uniform base benefits no matter where they’re sold and which insurance carrier sells them; meaning Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan D sold by an insurance carrier in Texas will have the same benefits as that sold by another insurance carrier in Georgia.